Documentation Guidelines

Sources of information used for determining a disability or accommodations include a student’s self-report, direct observation and interaction with the student, and/or documentation from qualified evaluators or providers.

Student Self-Report

Students should complete the Request for Accommodations which provides an opportunity to describe their disability and the accommodations they are requesting. Students should include experiences related to their disability, barriers faced, and/or previous accommodations in the Request for Accommodations.

Supporting Documentation

Supporting documentation should provide information on the impact of the student’s disability in order to identify appropriate accommodations.

Common sources of documentation include healthcare providers, psychologists, licensed counselors, and diagnosticians. Disability Support Services Staff may request additional information as needed while providing accommodations.

Copies of accommodations approved from a previous school(s) such as accommodation agreements, 504 plans/IEPs, and/or standardized exams can be included as additional information but may not be independently sufficient.

Documentation should be typed on letterhead, dated, and signed by a qualified professional.

Suggested Documentation Elements

  • State the disability or disabilities.
  • Describe the impact or symptoms of the disability.
  • If appropriate, discuss the severity and/or expected progression.
  • If relevant, list medication side effects.
  • Any recommended accommodations.

When and How to Submit Documentation

Disability Support Services will review all relevant information provided. Please submit your information at least 2-3 weeks prior to the date that services are required. If you have any questions about these documentation guidelines, please contact Disability Support Services at 252-737-1016 or

Supporting documentation should be uploaded as part of the Request for Accommodations (preferred). Supporting documentation can also be submitted by fax, delivered in person, or sent electronically. Please try to upload supporting documents in commonly used file formats (i.e., PDF, JPG).

  • Fax: 252-737-1025
  • In Person: Mendenhall, Suite 109
  • Email:

How to Obtain Documentation

The professional making the diagnosis of a disability should be an appropriately trained evaluator/professional, such as a physician, psychologist, therapist, or educational diagnostician. For example, an audiologist would diagnose a hearing impairment; a psychiatrist, psychologist, or clinical social worker would diagnose a mental health disability. Documentation from a family member or family friend is not acceptable.

The following form can be used to document a student’s disability.

Disability Verification Form (PDF)

If you have any questions about the requested documentation, please feel free to contact a staff member of Disability Support Services at 252-737-1016.